This is my story:
Sono nato il 20/08/1998 (si lo so che sembro più piccolo)
Ho sempre avuto una mente creativa ma per qualche assurdo motivo decido di iscrivermi e successivamente diplomarmi in un istituto Alberghiero. Ironia della sorte, sono diventato vegetariano. Dopo aver fatto diversi lavori... anche se tardi alla fine cosciente dell’errore ormai commesso decido di iscrivermi e frequentare l’accademia Ilas di Napoli dove finalmente trovo la mia vocazione. Grazie a quest'ultima sono riuscito a specializzarmi e successivamente ottenere un master in grafica pubblicitaria.
Clicca sul pulsante per visionare i miei lavori.
Born on 20/08/1998 (yes I look younger)
I’ve always had a creative mind, but for some crazy reason I decided to enroll and then graduate from a cooking school. Ironically, I became a vegetarian.
After doing several jobs... finally aware of the mistake I made, I decided to enroll and attend the Ilas Academy in Naples where I finally found my vocation. Thanks to the latter I was able to specialize and then get a master in graphic design.
I’ve always had a creative mind, but for some crazy reason I decided to enroll and then graduate from a cooking school. Ironically, I became a vegetarian.
After doing several jobs... finally aware of the mistake I made, I decided to enroll and attend the Ilas Academy in Naples where I finally found my vocation. Thanks to the latter I was able to specialize and then get a master in graphic design.
Click "the button" to view my works.